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Interrogation in Everyday Life

Updated: May 29

May 24th, 2024

Friday Night Live With Chase Hughes
Friday Night Live With Chase Hughes

"Interrogation is an art form - but at the end of the day, it’s human interaction. That is why so many of the methods translate to real life."


  1.  Minimize the Seriousness: You want to downplay the gravity of the situation. This helps in reducing the person's defensiveness and makes them more open to talking.

  2. Rationalize the Action: Provide reasons or justifications for why the action in question might have seemed like a good idea at the time. This helps the person feel understood rather than judged.

  3. Project Blame: Sometimes, suggesting external factors or influences can help the person feel less cornered. It’s about shifting some responsibility away from them to ease into the conversation.

  4. Socialize the Situation: Make the person feel like their actions are somewhat normal or understandable in their situation. This can involve showing empathy and offering examples of how others might do similar things under certain circumstances.

  5. Emphasize the Truth: Encourage honesty by making the person understand the value of telling the truth, possibly highlighting how it can be beneficial for them.

  6. End with an Alternative Question: This involves giving them a less binary choice, helping them feel like they have a degree of control over the conversation.


Monologue - Why it's so important:

  1. Example: In a workplace conflict, instead of highlighting how a mistake could ruin a project, you might say, “It looks like there was a small mix-up. It’s nothing we can’t fix together.”

  2. Example: If someone missed a deadline, you could say, “I understand the last few weeks have been packed with tight deadlines. It’s easy to see how this one could have slipped through.”

  3. Example: When discussing a team's underperformance, you might suggest, “The guidelines were a bit unclear, which seems to have led to some confusion. Let’s clarify them to ensure everyone’s on the same page.”

  4. Example: If someone feels bad about a workplace error, you could normalize it by saying, “We’ve all been there. I remember a time I made a similar mistake. What matters is how we learn from it.”

  5. Example: In a negotiation, you might say, “I find that being upfront about our budget constraints makes it easier to find a solution that works for both of us. What are your main costs?”

  6. Example: Instead of asking a direct question like "Are you unhappy with your job?", you might say, “What are some things that would make your job more enjoyable or rewarding?”


Failures of Observation:

If someone likes fire, imagine walking into an interrogation room and telling them all about water and how they can get more water if they confess. It would be stupid - you would fail every time. That’s what these failures mean in interrogation - if you can’t read the person in front of you, you’re putting the entire situation to a game of chance.

Failures of Self-Mastery:

Imagine walking into an interrogation room wearing something you would only wear at the beach with no shoes on. Not managing yourself, and understanding the NCI authority principles is the same thing.


Chase's Challenge:

Take these skills and use them! Comment below on your progress and with pictures!!


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By Best-Selling Author & Behavior Expert Chase Hughes

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