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NCI Graduate School - Mastery

  • 238 pasos


NCI Mastery will grant you the title of Author. It's specifically designed to help you fine-tune your skills by adding drills, exercises, and skill-building activities. For example; there's a recording of Chase reciting a confusion statement with the words appearing on screen, which you can listen to as many times as needed to really get the gist of how he's saying it, where his pitch and tone changes in specific areas. Then you record yourself reciting it back, send it off to Chase and he will give you feedback for any adjustments needed so you can craft the skill. It's designed for the implementation of the skills you're learning. Chase's biggest fear is teaching these things and they just get left inside our heads, or on a notepad somewhere. NCI Mastery is a year-long program with a live training session with Chase once a week, and multiple study groups during the week to accommodate all the time zones. Each session with Chase is recorded in case anyone cannot attend, along with Chase's personal notes on the subject he discussed in that session. Upon gaining access to Authors you will receive access to ALL of Chase's other courses, apart from Seven Doctors, The IT Factor & Guerrilla Hypnosis. As an NCI Grad School student, you will also gain discounts on upcoming trainings and events, and also be part of things you would never have before, such as being invited to Chase's house and other social events. You'll also be given access to Chase's personal file vault where you will find documents and files that you wouldn't find anywhere else on Earth. There is also an amazing community inside of Authors where you will find members from all around the world who are so welcoming and helpful.

Grupo de discusión

Este programa está conectado a un grupo. Se te agregará una vez que te unas al programa.



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